Inventory Monetization and Data Management Challenge

Inventory Monetization and Data Management Challenge

by Aditya Bhelande · August 23, 2015 · in Monetization

This post was originally published on LinkedIn Pulse.

Most Publishers today want to have options when it comes to monetizing their display, mobile and video inventory. Publishers typically will have a ad server, a couple partners for video ads, a few for mobile ads and another set for monetizing display ads.

In a recent survey it was found that mid to large sized Publishers were, on an average, using 3-5 different inventory monetization sources. Here are a few business reasons why Publishers find having options useful:

  • Inventory Sell Through
  • Audience reach for their advertisers
  • Guaranteed deals
  • Innovative ad formats
  • Increasing prices

But to make the best and most from these inventory monetization partners Publishers need to know partner’s consistency in:

  • Pricing performance
  • Ad / creative quality
  • Inventory fulfillment percentage
  • Discrepancy
  • Engagement

Once they have data for the above-mentioned parameters, Publishers can then make intelligent decisions for:

  • Changing inventory pricing
  • Shifting inventory from one partner to another
  • Campaign fulfillment
  • Optimization, etc

In order to make these very critical business decisions Publishers have to be able to process vast amounts of data at scale. Data is King! For this they are faced with the daunting task of:

  • Collecting data
  • Cleaning data
  • Analyzing data

If not automated, this process becomes extremely time consuming and error prone. And the analysis comes too little too late to make any meaningful business decisions. Opportunities are lost! Then there is the HUGE cost associated with massive infrastructure.

Are you one of those Publishers who is in this situation and suffering this hell that is data overload? Then share your challenges with us and let’s team up to find a solution for you.

Having options is a good thing! Make the best and most of these options to boost the revenue.





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